The WrappedTokenBridge
enables users to wrap a token and transfer it to another chain in a single transaction using CCIP. Additonally it can receive a CCIP token transfer from another chain and automatically unwrap tokens before sending them to their final destination.
This contract is used to handle stLINK <-> wstLINK transfers between the primary chain and secondary chains.
View Functions
Returns the current CCIP router
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
router | address | router address |
Returns the address of the LINK token
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
linkToken | address | address of LINK token |
Returns the address of the underlying token bridged by this contract
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
underlyingToken | address | address of underlying token |
Returns the address of the wrapped token bridged by this contract
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
wrappedToken | address | address of wrapped token |
Returns the current fee for a token transfer
Name | Type | Description |
_destinationChainSelector | uint64 | id of destination chain |
_amount | uint256 | amount of tokens to transfer |
_payNative | bool | whether fee should be paid natively or with LINK |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
fee | uint256 | current fee |
Write Functions
Sets the CCIP router
Name | Type | Description |
_router | address | router address |
ERC677 implementation to receive a token transfer to be wrapped and sent to a destination chain
Name | Type | Description |
_sender | address | address of sender |
_value | uint256 | amount of tokens transferred |
_calldata | bytes | encoded calldata consisting of destinationChainSelector (uint64), receiver (address), maxLINKFee (uint256) |
Wraps and transfers tokens to a destination chain
Name | Type | Description |
_destinationChainSelector | uint64 | id of destination chain |
_receiver | address | address to receive tokens on destination chain |
_amount | uint256 | amount of tokens to transfer |
_payNative | bool | whether fee should be paid natively or with LINK |
_maxLINKFee | uint256 | call will revert if LINK fee exceeds this value |
Withdraws tokens held by this contract
Name | Type | Description |
_tokens | address[] | list of tokens to withdraw |
_amounts | uint256[] | list of corresponding amounts to withdraw |
_receiver | address | address to receive tokens |
Last updated